Welcome to

Ahimsa Peaceful Yoga

A thoughtful and personalized yoga practice for individuals and groups

Perfect for easing into a new practice or returning to a regular practice.

Ahimsa (pronounced Ahh Hym Sah) is a Sanskrit word meaning non-harming, which is a life virtue in the Dharmic religions. It is also a modern day guidepost in bringing compassion, peace and love to all.

At AHIMSA PEACEFUL YOGA, we practice yoga to enrich your well-being both on and off the mat.

Classes and Retreats

Yoga Classes

Yoga class

Yoga classes designed to meet the needs of a group or an individual.

Practicing yoga in NYC, we will come to you. If you prefer, you can come to us.

Practicing yoga in Wellfleet, we have a Spring and Fall weekly yoga practice at the Wellfleet Library. Additional options; we will come to you or you (and your group) may practice at our home yoga studio in Wellfleet.


Forward Fold Yoga Class small group

SMALL GROUP RETREATS are offered at our Wellfleet studio.

Spend a few days enjoying the beauty of Cape Cod, practicing yoga, being in nature and focusing on your overall well-being.

For details on upcoming classes, workshops, and retreats, subscribe!